• SemiConductor Tester implemented

    ZaidPirwani08/08/2015 at 06:15 3 comments

    So, we were able to do this last month but posting a log here, need much motivation for it.

    First off, images.

    This is the same semiconductor tester as has been shown before on hackaday and lot of other places, the German version, we had problems porting the code so we removed all previous code and started with a new repo just to test and check this out and get this done - now what remains is to get this working alongwith the other things.

    We have noticed that now we are on the brink of using up ALL the memory and RAM that the AVR ATMega328 has, we are also looking at Teensy for a better and more powerful replacement as the main controller.


  • Voltmeter + Sq. Wave Generator

    ZaidPirwani06/15/2015 at 10:24 1 comment

    So we started with implementing a basic voltmeter on the device.

    Get ADC -- > Convert to Voltage --> Display on Screen

    After being satisfied that it works we started on to adding circuitry for making voltage measurements of a bigger range (0 to 55V)

    The device shows the 2 voltage readings in big fonts and the resolution (number of digits after decimal) changes to 1 digit when the voltage is higher than the 9.99 volts.

    Also the Square Wave Generator also works, the device can output a square wave of any frequency upto 1MHz and with varying duty cycle.

    All code is up on github and committed..!

    Moving to the component tester implementation.