
Tinier than Tiniest 4x4x4 RGB Cube

...because there are smaller RGB LEDs :-)

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I'm not ready to build another cube yet, but I'd like a place to keep track of all the small LEDs that I found. Do you know an inexpensive place to get 1mm x 1mm RGB SMD LEDs?

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zakqwy wrote 02/17/2016 at 14:16 point

I've putzed around with tiny RGB LEDs, specifically these ones:

They are 0606, which at 1.6x1.6mm is still quite small. I really like the concave terminals--with the right jig, I think these would be excellent for thin vertical wire attachment.

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Hari Wiguna wrote 02/17/2016 at 14:59 point

Thanks for the tip Zak!
Yes, I like the ones with concave terminals as well.  Because we have to rotate them at each level, even better are the ones with CORNER terminals, like this:
I'm still waffling between 1.6mmx1.6mm 0606 and 1mmx1mm 0404. Either ones are crazier than the one I already built. lol

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zakqwy wrote 02/17/2016 at 15:13 point

Ah! Yes, corner terminals are ideal for you. I've used the PicoLED series in a few projects and it's a solid line... never tried the RGB version though. I say buy a few of each type you listed and see which is best in the real world!

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