
15 Results for "%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A3%B8%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%A3%BC%EC%A0%90%E2%8A%82 %E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B %EC%97%AD%EC%82%BC%EB%A3%B8fourteen%EC%97%AD%EC%82%BC%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%B0%A4%EB%AC%B8%ED%99%94%EC%97%AD%EC%82%BC%EB%A3%B8laying %EC%97%AD%EC%82%BC%EB%A3%B8%E3%83%94 %E2%92%AC%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A3%B8moment"

  • Rewrite code with FastLED + Gamma Correction

  • Today, i rewrite a code of ambient light of arduino module applied FastLED library carefully. Why? there are 3 important thing, 1) the legacy code of adalight is based on SPI that is used by a RF module too. I think move pin in code of adalight from...
  • Starting work on a simple serial protocol

  • Having decided on serial communications for the blocks, I now need to devise a protocol so the blocks can communicate with each other and the master controller. What follows is some of the reasoning I used in devising the protocol I ended up using....
  • Designing something new, not so new

  • Intro We had the combined experience of teaching with Arduino for some 15 years among the whole team, but all of us felt frustrated in a way or other by the way hardware was not really connected with the learning journey a beginner would face. Some time...
  • Step 3: Firmware

  • The MaTouch ESP32 S3 2.1 Rotary TFT with Touch is not compatible with the TFT_eSPI library, so I use the GFX_Library_of_Arduino library instead of the driver. Since I did not use the TFT_eSPI library, it is needed to delete or comment all the codes related...
  • An STM8 eForth WS2812 Demo

  • Controlling the WS2812 with STM8 eForth was something I've had on my to-do list for a long time. The lore of W2812 timing is already long and twisted, and any new implementation, it seems, has to add a bit to it :-) Mine is the following:    ...
  • HapticPong

  • Using the HaptiVision Belt as base we tried out if we can use it also as Display for playing games on it. Of course, with 16*8 pixel that's not high resolution, but we thought that at least games like Pong might work. Adaption was rather easy: Using...
  • Adapter PCB for V1 PCB 010

  • Adapter PCB made to accept an Arduino Nano or any similar board to interface with V1 I2C PCB. This reduces the requirements of having to manually wire the connections similar to the photos on V1 hand prototype. Adapter PCB also bring added debugging...
  • PCB design decisions: Backlight

  • I'm not really a fan for RGB, in the {something}-puking-rainbows way, so my first thought was to use single color LEDs. This means I need to create some steady current through a resistor for each N pieces of LEDs. If you want to drive 105 LEDs from a...
  • Initial design decisions

  • So, I decided to create what I started to call a "physical block-based programming language" (I need a better name - any ideas?) and had tentatively selected the Arduino as the core of the project. A big factor in this decision was that I already had...
  • Log #89 - CondomBoard specifications

  • Size: about 50x50mm (size of condoms I have, could be a little larger if required)Layers: preferrably a single 2-layer PCB, for easier ordering at the usual suspects in ChinaConnections: debug UARTMicroUSB for charging the batterytemperature sensor connectortwo...
  • How many LEDs ? How fast ?

  • I often get these questions :How many LED can the WizYasep drive ?The answer is : a lot !The W5300 network chip has a 128KB FIFO, that's roughly 40KLED. Is that enough ?Actually I have reduced the receive FIFO depth to 56KB, or about 19K LED. My largest...
  • The home stretch

  • (June 2016)I finally decided that the sparkfun level convertor was to blame for the bad clock bits. Yes, I know the clock wasn't even going through the level convertor, but the data was. I removed the PCB with prejudice. As I mentioned before, the shift...