
296 Results for "MPPT"

  • The RT8299 Proper Hack

  • In a previous project log, I did a first stab attempt at hacking the RT8299 to perform MPPT by running a PWM on the enable pin. This failed miserably.The next obvious hack was to have the feedback pin (FB) of the RT8299 tied to the solar input. In this...
  • The Venerable PIC12F1571

  • In a previous project log I mentioned the possibility of using the PIC12F1571 with an external OpAmp as a lower cost replacement for the PIC16F1704. It's not a huge cost savings, 20cents-ish, but it's enough to make my ears perk up.So, I tried it.Exact...
  • Timing Isn't the Answer

  • It's been far too long since I've posted an update. I am still, in fact, working on this project. In my last project log I was trying to find a way to enable/disable the hacked RT8299 buck regulator to give me a open-circuit voltage (Voc) reading, which...
  • Battery and charging

  • 17/6: Still searching for a 3S pack of 18650's that looks like it might actually have the claimed capacity, but there are so many lies on eBay... But I have now chosen some solar panels (picked to stack side-by-side to completely fill the top panel...
  • Bugs and Corner Cases

  • My choice of an inexpensive micro-controller has a cost.  This product has firmware that will probably never be upgraded since there is no facility to easily load new code (no interface and not much space left over for a bootloader).  So the...
  • Changing the Architecture

  • I was looking over the schematics recently looking for ways to reduce cost, and it occurred to me that the current topology isn't ideal. Currently, I'm implementing a buck regulator using the PIC16F1823. The MCU is driving the IR2302 bridge controller,...
  • For sale on Tindie!

  • Finally got around to taking some product pictures and writing enough documentation to be able to start selling the prototypes I built on Tindie!Hopefully with the connection diagram and design information it will be possible for most people with some...
  • We don't need no stinkin' DAC

  • Nor do we need ADCs either none.I want a cool hat like that!Turns out, with some clever wizardly, I figured out a way to get rid of the DAC and the ADC to make this MPPT power supply. "How and why" you may ask? Let me start with the why.My current implementation...
  • RT8299 Hack Progress

  • It's always a good day when PCBs make it to your mailbox. There's an inner child that gets excited with the prospect of getting new toys to play with.Two days ago was no exception. This latest batch implement the Proper RT8299 hack on a PCB (see this...
  • Solar power!

  • One really neat feature of the LiFePO4wered/18650 that I haven't talked much about is the ability to power it from a 5-7V solar panel. I've only been able to test this just now because the component reel I was waiting for makes it possible to do this,...
  • Hitachi 44780 LCD with RS232

  • There are only a handful of parts to build this - a few resistors, decoupling caps, headers, PIC, and of course, the LCD.  There are two 6-pin headers.  The male is for programming the PIC directly with a PICKit 3.  The female is just...
  • Solar System Installed!

  • Okay, this update has been a long time coming. University is insane, and I have been making very very slow progress on this project. So this update is retroactively documenting progress I made over summer, I'll post another update today about some more...