
6277 Results for "esp8266"

  • Log #129: Kooga Prototype

  • Building the KoogaI'm still waiting for the ESP8266 I ordered, so while I was hanging on that I put a POC prototype together.Using an Arduino to drive 805 LEDs is the closest I can get to a NeoPixel strip as well, so I've used 8 LEDs for the Landing...
  • esp-link MQTT software

  • Spider uses esp-link for its wifi connectivity. This custom esp8266 firmware offers many functions in addition to plain network connectivity. The one feature that was very useful from day one was the AVR firmware update: An avr with a suitable boot loader...
  • 74HC4051 Multiplexer

  • When I needed to get data from three analog sensors (MQ-131, MQ-135 and TG-2602 gas/air quality sensors) to be sent somewhere to be stored and graphed, I thought of the then brand new ESP32, and its freely configurable analog input mapping. Too bad I...
  • WaveShare SPI 2.9" e-Paper display

  • Battery powering ESP-based devices always take some consideration, as WiFi, if not used sparingly, quickly sucks all the battery you can get. However, by having the device in deep sleep and only waking up for updates every n minutes makes it totally...
  • Hacking Syma X56W

  • I loved the Fotokite Phi project, but for some reason it is not available anymore...So I decided to test the proof of concept of making my own, based on the cheap X56 frame (it can be ordered as low as 45€ shipped these days).Event if I didn't...
  • Year Older, Year Wiser

  • I let this project go for the last year, but I recently decided to revisit this and make some much-needed improvements. A lot has changed in terms of my knowledge and hardware support, and some of my design decisions are definitely out of date.Change...
  • Power management

  • As mentioned in my last log, I wanted a way to wake the spinner up by moving it. Also, I want to be able to have the ESP8266 "completely" turn off power until the spinner is woken again. Last but not least, I wanted some kind of relatively fail safe...
  • Gotchas WTF

  • I designed an intermediary board to test out a new buck-boost voltage regulator, new motor driver, and a tag connect cable. For those of you in the ESPxxx forum, this is v2 intermediary board with EN tied to VBATT. Here's the schematic, and the layout....
  • Great disappoint and voltage sag

  • I presented on this project at Hackaday Belgrade (I'm at 1:44:32) and had it working just enough to talk about :) I still have a couple of issues to work out, and one of them turned out to be a huge bummer. Two of the motors (both on same driver...
  • Numitron Clock

  • First I stared to make a prototype while waiting for the Numitron tubes.I got everything to work with the shift registers (TPIC6B595), validating using some simple LEDS. Also got the RTC and ESP8266 working properly. Most code was done before I received...
  • Bug Robot

  • This robot counts with a multiplataform PCB that allow the programming to be done with Arduino Uno R3 or with STM32 Nucleo. An Ulstrasonic Range measurement module was mounted in a 9g servo to be possible to detect obstacles in front, left or right of...