
WiFi Webradio on ESP8266 or ESP32

A fully featured wifi web radio player with only low cost boards.
with or without a vs1053 board

Similar projects worth following
Control with any browsers (ie edge, chrome mozilla etc...).
or with an external hardware panel or with the uart interface or with telnet.
Memory for 255 stations
OTA (On the Air) upgrade,
Read direct mp3 or ogg or WMA streams or playlist .pls .m3u, asx and .xspf
Read up to a 320 kb/s stream,
Encoder, IR, lcd ...
Embedded wifi configuration via the web or serial or telnet.
Metadata displayed (ie Title of the current song if given in the stream),
Permanent setting (sound setting, stations, wifi)
Server multi clients with automatic refresh (websocket),
The stations may be downloaded and uploaded within the web site,
Stations sort management by drag drop.
very quick responsive web by caching local information in the browser and websocket.
additional hardware: a led indicates the state of the equipment
Optional: control switches, lcd display, additional ram for buffering

See for the description of the minimal prototype.

See Github for sources

See github source for the ESP32 version ( vs1053 or i2s or pcm or internal DAC)

See A project derived from KaRadio32 in progress.

See the lcd +IR software's on Github AddOn

See some realizations of users at KaraDio

A nextion touchscreen display for KaraDio from yo2ldk : Here

For more informations or questions, you can enter to the Karadio facebook group

KaRadio32 Release 2.3

Release 2.3 Rev 0 - Built on 2022/02/23


  • 2.3 R0:
    • RAM optimization
    • Audio buffer size incremented.
    • Bugs correction: HTML chunks processing and Meta computing
    • Stack crash on http instant command removed
    • AAC Decoding improved
  • 2.2 R1:
    • Introducing WIFI QoS Ip precedence AC_VI
    • SPDIF output improved
    • DAC bugs removed.
    • AAC Decoding improved (but not perfect)
    • New patch for the vs1053. Play OGG too.
  • 2.2 R0:
    • Many internal optimizations
    • ascii unicode #&xxxx; decoded
    • aac decoder improved.
    • Added html commands volume+ and volume-

    KaRadio: Release 2.1

    Release 2.1 R0 - Built on 2021/02/15

    • 2.1 R0:
      • Security: the ssid passwords are no longer sent on each "Setting" display, but only when changed.
      • Bug fixed: in parse playlist. Possible memory leak. Thanks to HmarikBel
      • Bug fixed: Special char in station name was incorrectly sent.
      • Some minors improvements.
    • 2.0 R0:
      • Better handling of the large "header moved"
      • Better monitoring
      • timezone suggestion on the setting page



    For ESP32 see the github page KaRadio32.

    ESP8266 Simplest prototype:

    - Optional external ram (23LCV1024) support (1:CS/=GPIO16 2:MISO=GPIO12 3:NC 4:GND 5:MOSI=GPIO13 6:SCK=GPIO14 7:GND 8:3.3v)

    The optional led is now on GPIO2. The blue led on the ESP8266 is blinking at the same rate.
    GPIO16 is now the Chip select for the external ram if any.
    The external ram is detected at boot time if present.

    To upgrade to this release, please flash at 0x1000 , at 0X81000 and blank.bin at 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000
    After that, all next updates are done with the On The Air (OTA) feature.
    New binaries are hosted at .

    Loading the esp8266

    First use

    • If the access point of your router is not known, the webradio initializes itself as an AP. Connect your wifi to the ssid "WifiWebRadio",
    • Browse to to display the page, got to "setting" "Wifi" and configure your ssid ap, the password if any, the wanted IP or use dhcp if you know how to retrieve the dhcp given ip (terminal or scan of the network).
    • In the gateway field, enter the ip address of your router.
    • Validate. The equipment restart to the new configuration. Connect your wifi to your AP and browse to the ip given in configuration.
    • Congratulation, you can edit your own station list. Don't forget to save your stations list in case of problem or for new equipments.
    • if the AP is already know by the esp8266, the default ip at the first start is
    • a sample of stations list is on . Can be uploaded via the web page.


    Please tell me if you succeeded or something more can be done, thanks.
    The second step will add some hardware buttons (vol + -, station + -, play ...)


    From ESP8266_ESP12( 3.3 v) or nodeMCU(5v) to VS1053 (5 v)



    CH_PD to 3.3v

    GPIO16 (a 1Hz output)

    D5:GPIO14 to VS1053 SCK

    D6:GPIO12 to VS1053 MISO

    D7:GPIO13 to VS1053 MOSI

    TXD to CH340G UART rx

    RXD from CH340G UART tx

    D1:GPIO05 to VS1053 XDCS

    D2:GPIO04 to VS1053 DREQ

    D3:GPIO00 to VS1053...

Read more »


KaRadio32 2.3R0

application/octet-stream - 1.49 MB - 01/01/2021 at 21:11


KaRadio 2.1 R1 Partition 1

application/octet-stream - 424.75 kB - 01/11/2020 at 18:13


KaRadio 2.1 R1 Partition 2

application/octet-stream - 424.75 kB - 01/11/2020 at 18:13



octet-stream - 3.98 kB - 09/17/2017 at 10:26



octet-stream - 4.00 kB - 07/21/2016 at 15:19


View all 6 files

View all 6 components

View all 11 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1


    From ESP8266_ESP12( 3.3 v) or nodeMCU(5v) to VS1053 (5 v)


    ADC : gound if control panel not used

    CH_PD to 3.3v

    GPIO16 led output

    D5:GPIO14 to VS1053 SCK

    D6:GPIO12 to VS1053 MISO (or so)

    D7:GPIO13 to VS1053 MOSI (or si)

    TXD to CH340G UART rx

    RXD from CH340G UART tx

    D1:GPIO05 to VS1053 XDCS

    D2:GPIO04 to VS1053 DREQ

    D3:GPIO00 to VS1053 XRST


    D8:GPIO15 to VS1053 XCS

View all instructions

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Isabella Beck wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:49 point

Kudos to you!

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Colton Owens wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:48 point

Important topic.

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Colton Owens wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:48 point

Diverse perspectives, nice!

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Sophia Thornton wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:44 point

Love your style.

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Sophia Thornton wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:44 point

Made me think.

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Caleb Hawkins wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:42 point

Clear and concise.

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Caleb Hawkins wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:42 point

Relatable content.

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Jasmine Ng wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:40 point

Thanks for sharing.

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Jasmine Ng wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:40 point

Good job!

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Cameron West wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:38 point


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Cameron West wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:38 point

Great insights.

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Maddison Klein wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:36 point

Well done!

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Maddison Klein wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:36 point

Interesting read!

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Eliana McCarthy wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:34 point

Totally agree!

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Eliana McCarthy wrote 01/30/2024 at 06:29 point

Nice post!

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stefanvasiliu wrote 05/24/2023 at 10:23 point

Hello, i`m on ESP8266, how i can add addon for 

LCD? I see some addon for LCD. Example:

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stchse wrote 04/02/2022 at 20:30 point

Can somebody please help me. When running KaRadio32 on a ESP32-Wroom-V4 together with a VS1053/1003, but also when using a UDA1334A via I2S, I get an audio signal on just one channel.

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jimsonweed wrote 02/13/2022 at 16:58 point

Hello! There is a glitch while used hardware decoder vs1053b on this station

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NoOne38 wrote 02/13/2022 at 16:55 point

Bonjour Je me permets de vous déranger , je viens de réaliser la dernière version 2.2 R1 un grand merci tout d'abord pour votre super boulot, j'essaie de mettre un ST7735 I2C comme écran et après plusieurs tentatives je n'y suis pas arrivé ( par contre LCD_SPI_ILI9341  et   LCD_I2C_SSD1306 fonctionnent parfaitement)

Auriez-vous des conseils de câblage svp ?  (  CS,DC,RST,SDA et SCL)

merci encore

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Jean-Pierre Cocatrix wrote 02/13/2022 at 17:17 point

et en lisant ?
C'est souvent les pin qui changent de nom. Il faudra aussi configurer le bon type de lcd par serial ou telnet. ou dans un fichier csv.

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NoOne38 wrote 02/13/2022 at 17:46 point

c'est un ST7735 128x128 mais I2C pas un SPI et je n'ai pas trouvé de code équivalent j'ai pourtant  essayé le câbler en I2C sur  :

// I2C lcd (and rda5807 if lcd is i2c or LCD_NONE) //------------------------------------------------

#define PIN_I2C_SCL GPIO_NUM_14

#define PIN_I2C_SDA GPIO_NUM_13

#define PIN_I2C_RST GPIO_NUM_2 // or not used

peut-être avec un autre code serial mais lequel je n'ai pas vu d'équivalence dans la liste

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frank.mertin wrote 12/02/2021 at 15:24 point


First of all this is a great project. Is it possible, to add a rotary encoder or some buttons for changing the saved favourite radio stations? This would be a great feature, especially for people who don't want use a smartphone.

Thanks in advance


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