ORIGINAL FEATURES (For those who don't know)
- Programmable by learning the code from almost any remote control.
- Audio confirmation when correctly receiving codes or performing motion gestures.
- Custom three-chip 5mm LED: one IR (943 nm) indium gallium nitride chip and two green (520 nm) gallium arsenide chips, encapsulated in a single transparent epoxy lens.
- Code-learning feature supports all the major consumer IR protocols, including RC-5, RC-6, XMP, RECS-80, NEC, SIRC, and NRC17 with IR carrier frequency ranging from 33 to 50kHz.
- Motion sensing courtesy of a three-axis accelerometer (1 mm x 2 mm silicon MEMS sensor).
- Four operation modes: Practice Mode, Control Mode, Quiet Control Mode, and FX Mode. Copper button at the base is pressed to cycle through each mode.
- Thirteen different sound effects in FX Mode.
So far these are the following features I would like to add to my Sonic Screwdriver, but this list may grow or shrink during the course of this project.
01 - Modify Sonic Screwdriver remote to be extendable yet still retain all of its original capabilities.
02 - Add basic universal IR remote ability which allows the Sonic Screwdriver to work on almost any TV without having to be programmed first.
03 - Add ability to change default green color of the LED emitter to other colors; at minimum red and blue.
04 - Add viable flashlight capability.
05 - Add laser pointer capability.
06 - Add motion detection capability.
07 - Add distance measuring ability (digital tape measure).
08 - Add Micro USB-B interface/charging capability.
09 - Upgrade power source to AA Lithium-Ion battery(s) or better alternative.
10 - Add garage door remote control capability.
11 - Add car remote unlock, lock, start, and alarm capability.
12 - Add Science Tricorder capabilities, similar to Peter Jensen's brilliant project. Note: I might move this goal up towards the top because the 9th - 12th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver has been seen frequently used as a multipurpose scanning device. (Maybe)
13 - Add OLED display in central chamber; thus, only visible when Sonic Screwdriver is extended. (Maybe)
14 - Add voice command recognition capability. (Maybe)
15 - Add digital camera capability. (Maybe)
Great project! I might attempt to do the same thing to my 10th doctor's sonic (made by the same company, with identical features)