• Flipper Zero Development

    02/27/2024 at 23:07 0 comments

    I Have just got started with Flipper Zero after experimenting with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. I have many other projects on the go all of the time. My current project is to compile Development boards for the Flipper Zero and trying to hunt down Gerber or Schematic files that are already being used but then to add on further features onto a single board. I have other ideas about adding Arduino Controllers and Components including Raspberry Pi. I am also developing a case to put all the components together to create a stand alone system in a single waterproof case. I am also into Bushcraft and EDC so it would be an ideal project to add. I am very good around computers and building projects and programs but not great at programming yet. If you guys can help with Gerber or schematic files for the Flipper Zero then i can share them here or get them prototyped and shipped to you.