Hack, Learn, Destroy, Disrupt, Innovate, Start-up -> Repeat. (not always in that order)
Turning dumb old Light Swithces into smartphone controlled data hubs. Temperature, humidity, light, proximity, energy consumption, and location aware mesh networks... all in the size of your switch.
Sensor data tracking using IRIDIUM SATELLITES. real-time remote sensor data tracking where no 3G or GSM is available.
GPRS/GSM IoT for industry process sensing and data analysis. Sensing made easy for micro and small companies who cannot afford otherwise.
Charge your iPhone with the heat of your live warm bare hands.... lol or something 10*c hotter than surroundings.
because how you think you drive isn't always how you actually drive. Driving Risk assessment web appsessory/service.
Save Water to the sound of your favorite music... For every 5 minutes you shower you waste on average 20 liters of fresh water, so why not save time and WATER by listening to your music. a Smartphone controlled shower.
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