A small device that indicates an input byte in hexadecimal on two 7 segments led displays. It displays in hexadecimal the byte placed on its 8 binary inputs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX8WytHxLrw
ROM + ROM + ... + ROM = CPU http://2x-1.net/ob/gray1/
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Good evening Olivier and thank you for the follow / like for #Light Logic :-)
Hello Olivier, merci for liking and following the One square inch TTL CPU, https://hackaday.io/project/161251-1-square-inch-ttl-cpu !
You've been Had'ed again ! http://hackaday.com/2018/02/23/a-two-tapes-turing-machine/
Good evening Olivier and thank you for the like for IO as well as the ugly relay. Both of your computers are fantastic :-)
Olivier, Thanks for taking the time to checkout and follow my #DIYTIL311 !